Welcome Message

Welcome to COLORBLIND DESIGNS (previously known as Colorbomb Designs) - your one stop spot to shop that serves all your website needs. Whether you need a few basic graphics, or a brand-new layout, no request is too big or too small. Since I started designing in 2007, I have worked on a WIDE variety of websites, from fansites, official pages, professional (non fansite) related sites and more! I understand that my types of designs are not for everyone. So, please have a look around the site to see what I have to offer, and take the time to browse my portfolio to see the range in my designs. They might be for you (^_^) Follow me on TWITTER to receieve the latest updates and see my most recent designs and latest works online.


As a designer, I have been serving the online community since I graduated from high school in 2007. Before I graduated, I spent a lot of time teaching myself HTML and CSS, which I would utilize practicing when it came to running and designing my own websites, all of which were created through free Geocities accounts. When I purchased my first domain name and hosting package through Dreamhost, that is when I became interested in designing Wordpress themes, as well as teaching myself PHP and Javascript. I also upgraded my graphic design software and switched from using Paintshop Pro and started using Adobe Photoshop. All of my design experience has been completely self-taught, but don't let that deter you. Sometimes, the best designers out there are the ones who are self-taught ;) In regards to whether or not I am currently accepting custom orders at the moment, you can check out if our orders are open by CLICKING HERE, but the truth is the amount of time varies when I am accepting. My time is very limited and thus most time dedicated to designing is applied to many of my own personal designs. I do however offer a few things in light of the high demand for custom themes, which you can check out below in our Package List.

Package List

Design Agreement



Send the form below to the following account: jgiesemann0225@gmail.com


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum sem quis tristique pellentesque. Nunc lacinia dolor diam, eu molestie augue consequat sit amet. Donec id iaculis metus. Nam felis ante, dignissim eu nunc et, dignissim hendrerit dolor. Integer justo ex, fringilla nec est a, elementum faucibus quam. Morbi ultricies massa ex, vitae commodo tortor congue a. Proin vehicula lobortis arcu, ut euismod tortor semper in. Praesent libero lorem, dapibus vitae vestibulum cursus, vulputate ac odio. In sed enim lacinia, dictum lorem vitae, efficitur massa. Cras facilisis a dolor vitae laoreet. Praesent eu blandit est, vel pellentesque nibh. Ut luctus consequat est, a egestas orci dignissim ac. Morbi nisi eros, consectetur a efficitur sed, egestas sit amet nisi. Etiam eu lectus vitae urna tincidunt elementum. Nullam laoreet urna ullamcorper, tincidunt augue eget, dignissim enim.

Resources & Tutorials

HTML Goodies
EchoEcho.com Web Tutorials
Lissa Explains It All (HTML)
Font Awesome
Font Squirrel
How To Create Your Own WordPress Theme
How To Create Your Own Coppermine Theme
How To Manually Install WordPress
How To Manually Install Coppermine
How To Install Coppermine Fetch
How To Install CuteNews or FusionNews


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum sem quis tristique pellentesque. Nunc lacinia dolor diam, eu molestie augue consequat sit amet. Donec id iaculis metus. Nam felis ante, dignissim eu nunc et, dignissim hendrerit dolor. Integer justo ex, fringilla nec est a, elementum faucibus quam. Morbi ultricies massa ex, vitae commodo tortor congue a. Proin vehicula lobortis arcu, ut euismod tortor semper in. Praesent libero lorem, dapibus vitae vestibulum cursus, vulputate ac odio. In sed enim lacinia, dictum lorem vitae, efficitur massa. Cras facilisis a dolor vitae laoreet. Praesent eu blandit est, vel pellentesque nibh. Ut luctus consequat est, a egestas orci dignissim ac. Morbi nisi eros, consectetur a efficitur sed, egestas sit amet nisi. Etiam eu lectus vitae urna tincidunt elementum. Nullam laoreet urna ullamcorper, tincidunt augue eget, dignissim enim.


I respect the rights to the photos I use within the work I do for others, I create designs on the understanding that the client has obtained appropriate license or permission to use the photos. I never intend to infringe on the rights of others. If you find something on this site that you own the rights to and you feel it is infringing, please contact me, before pursuing any legal action and I will gladly accommodate your request and remove the infringing item in question.

Everything else strictly belongs to me, unless otherwise stated, and therefore cannot be used, redistributed, replicated or sold without my prior written permission.